Best Practices When Giving a PI Readback featured image

Best Practices When Giving a PI Readback

By: Matthew Bock

~ 3 minute read

Have you ever taken a journey into the depths of your own behavior and personality? The Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment report is your ticket to self-discovery and understanding your unique traits. But what’s the point of having this valuable resource if you don’t know how to make the most of it? That’s where the magic of the “PI Readback” comes into play.

In this blog post, we’re going to dive into the art of giving a PI Readback (or a debrief on someone’s Behavioral Assessment results), and why it’s a crucial step in talent optimization and overcoming leadership challenges. We’ll discuss the three P’s: Prepare, Practice, and Personality, to ensure you provide a meaningful and insightful debrief for your employees.

Why Give an Employee a One-on-One “Readback” of their PI results?

A PI Readback is a one-on-one session where you share the insights from the assessment with the employee. It’s a chance to provide clarity, context, and valuable feedback, making it easier for them to understand their results and how they can leverage their unique traits in the workplace. 

Some employees may read their Behavioral Report and have questions or feel unsure how to apply what they see in the report. With a one-on-one readback, your employee’s reaction to the Behavioral Report can move from just “huh, that was interesting” to “wow, I want my manager and team members to know all this about me!”

Now, let’s get into the three best practices for a successful PI Readback:

  1. Prepare: Navigating the Terrain
  2. Practice: Building Confidence
  3. Personality: Adding a Personal Touch
  4. Conclusion: Taking Action

1. Prepare: Navigating the Terrain

Picture this: you’re going on a cross-country road trip. Would you head out without a map, GPS, or any idea of the destinations you want to explore? Probably not. The same principle applies to a PI Readback. Preparation is key.

Use the “Readback Prep Form” provided in the Drive Results With Talent Workshop materials. Don’t underestimate the importance of this step. Review the assessment results, understand the factor combinations, and familiarize yourself with the distances on the behavioral map. This groundwork not only boosts your confidence but also enhances the quality of your Readback. You’ll be able to use your prep form notes to deliver insights smoothly and engage in conversation with fewer “ums” and “ahs” interrupting your flow.

By preparing thoroughly, you ensure that you can answer any questions your employee might have. You become the trusted guide on their journey of self-discovery.

2. Practice: Building Confidence

Practice makes perfect, right? Before you step into the Readback session, take time to rehearse your presentation. Familiarity with the material helps you avoid stumbling over words or getting lost in the data.

Consider practicing with a friend or family member first. It’s like an athlete developing muscle memory. Practicing with someone you know allows you to fine-tune your delivery and gain confidence. You’ll be well-prepared to provide a smooth and engaging Readback to your employee.

Remember, the more comfortable you are, the more your employee will trust the information you’re sharing.

3. Personality: Adding a Personal Touch

Now, let’s talk about the secret ingredient—the one that takes your Readback from good to great: your personality. Whether you’re a low B (introvert) or a high B (extrovert), infusing your unique traits into the session is essential.

Don’t be a robotic conveyor of data. Humanize the experience. Share anecdotes or personal experiences that relate to the employee’s assessment results. Connect on a personal level. Show empathy and understanding. Here are some of my favorite phrases to incorporate into the conversation:

  1. Here’s where I see that behavior show up for you…
  2. What’s great about that style is…
  3. This gives you a bit of a superpower as it relates this behavior…

In addition, be sure to ask questions of your employee to get them engaged in more of a dialogue and less of a monologue. My favorite questions to ask are:

  1. Any examples you can share of how that aligns to your role?
  2. Does that sound like/feel like you?
  3. How have you seen that strength play out in your role/with your team?

Your personality makes the information relatable and memorable. It transforms the assessment from a dry set of points on a graph into a meaningful tool for growth and self-improvement.

Conclusion: Taking Action

In the world of talent optimization and leadership challenges, giving a PI Readback is a powerful tool. With the three P’s—Prepare, Practice, and Personality—you can provide employees with a meaningful and insightful debrief that helps them navigate their professional journey.

So, are you ready to embark on the journey of giving impactful PI Readbacks? Remember to prepare diligently, practice with care, and infuse your unique personality into the process. Your employees will thank you for the guidance, and your organization will benefit from more engaged and motivated team members.

If you’re eager to dive deeper into the world of PI Readbacks or have questions about talent optimization, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to provide one-on-one guidance to help you overcome any challenges and become a master at giving PI Readbacks.

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Matthew Bock

Catalyst for change, this problem-solving captain loves tennis, dogs, and Hawaiian retreats. Known for brewing office beer and believing in constant self-improvement, he's always present and ready for reinvention.