5 Ways to Improve Time to Productivity and Maintain Speed featured image

5 Ways to Improve Time to Productivity and Maintain Speed

By: Gail Paul

~ 5 minute read

Time to Productivity is a hot topic, and for good reason. It’s one of those thorny issues that keeps leaders awake at night. You know the feeling—you’ve hired the perfect candidate, but as the weeks roll on, you find yourself wondering why they’re not yet hitting their stride. Maybe they’re still getting lost in the labyrinth of internal processes, or perhaps they haven’t quite figured out how to collaborate effectively with the team. Either way, the clock is ticking, and you need results—yesterday.

For leaders responsible for onboarding, the pressure to speed up this process is immense. You’ve got KPIs, goals, and targets to hit, and waiting months for new employees to hit full productivity is a luxury most organizations simply can’t afford. In fact, according to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), employees reach satisfactory productivity 57% faster when onboarding is done well. Let that sink in. More than half the time is cut just by improving the onboarding experience. So, how can you transform your onboarding process and, more importantly, accelerate time to productivity? Let’s dive into that.


Why Measure Time to Productivity?

Before we get into solutions, it’s essential to understand why measuring speed or Time to Productivity is critical. Imagine this: You hire a new team member, and from day one, you have expectations for how many widgets they should produce, how much revenue they should generate, or how many tasks they are able to accomplish. Let’s say it takes them 90 days to meet these expectations. Great! But what if you could reduce that to 60 days by tweaking your processes? Simply put, measuring Time to Productivity allows you to see how long it’s currently taking and find ways to speed it up—giving you faster returns on your investment in new talent.


Solutions to Accelerate Time to Productivity

1. Pre-boarding: Get the Paperwork Out of the Way

Why wait until the first day to start the onboarding process? Get the boring stuff out of the way before they even set foot in the office (or log in, if they’re remote). Benefits paperwork, cultural guides, and employee handbooks can all be sent in advance, allowing new hires to focus on getting up to speed from day one. Plus, giving them a sneak peek into the company’s culture and values can build excitement and make them eager to contribute from the moment they start.

2. Use a Validated Strengths Assessment

We live in a world where data is key. Using a strengths assessment tool like Predictive Index (PI) provides invaluable, data-driven insights into how your new hire works best. Many of our clients at MindWire use PI to engage in what we call a Readback process, where the manager and employee sit down to discuss working styles, strengths, and areas for improvement. Start the manager-employee relationship on the right footing by sharing work preferences and strengths with the PI Relationship Guide. This helps align expectations and identify potential areas where the employee can thrive—or might need extra support.

3. Introduce the Team Early

Remember those awkward first weeks where you’re not sure who does what, let alone who you should ask for help? Using tools like PI for a Team Dynamics review can help avoid this by offering new hires a clear understanding of the team’s roles, responsibilities, and personalities. Knowing what makes each team member tick allows new hires to integrate faster and start contributing to team goals more effectively. Don’t forget to introduce any employee-led groups, hobby meetups, or book clubs to help your team members broaden their relationships with coworkers. A study by O.C. Tanner found that employees with a best friend at work were 7 times more likely to be fully engaged in their work, and 50% more likely to report having a strong connection with their company’s mission and values. This strong connection can make it harder for employees to leave their job, even if they receive offers from other companies.

4. Customize Onboarding Based on Behavioral and Cognitive Styles

Cookie-cutter onboarding is so last decade. Use assessments like PI to tailor the onboarding process to each individual’s learning and working style. Is your new hire fast-paced or methodical? Do they prefer a hands-on approach or need detailed instructions? Customizing the onboarding experience by tapping into what motivates each person can drastically cut down on the time it takes for employees to get comfortable and productive in their roles.

5. Assign a Mentor or Onboarding Buddy

Nothing helps a new employee acclimate like an insider showing them the ropes. A mentor or onboarding buddy can help your new hire understand the less obvious aspects of the organization—like who to go to for what, the unspoken rules of engagement, and the political landscape. Without this, employees often feel like they’re walking through a minefield with clown shoes on, unaware of what’s going to trip them up next.


Maintaining Productivity Post-Onboarding

So, your new hire is finally productive. Now what? The real challenge is maintaining that productivity after onboarding. Here’s how you can keep the momentum going.

1. Schedule Regular 1-on-1s with Managers

Nothing is more demotivating than feeling disconnected from leadership. 72% of employees report that 1-on-1 time with their direct manager is the most important part of onboarding – and it shouldn’t stop after 90 days. Regular 1-on-1 meetings give employees a chance to clarify expectations, get feedback, and feel supported. Plus, these sessions are an excellent opportunity for managers to coach and guide employees, ensuring they stay on track and engaged.

2. Update Expectations and Goals Quarterly

Your business goals are likely to evolve, and so should your employees’ targets. Updating expectations regularly keeps employees motivated and ensures they’re aligned with the organization’s larger vision. When employees have a clear line of sight and understand how their role impacts the bigger picture, there is a significant positive correlation with engagement and team identification.

3. Tailor Feedback and Coaching to Individual Motivations

Not everyone responds to feedback in the same way. Using tools like PI can help managers understand how each employee prefers to receive feedback, whether they need a more direct approach or would benefit from a more nurturing style. The PI Coaching Guide will also give leaders coaching questions to help their employees apply their strengths in the role. Tailoring coaching to the individual ensures that feedback is effective and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

4. Create Development Plans

Development doesn’t end after onboarding—it’s a continuous process. Employees need to see a path forward in their career to stay motivated. By creating personalized development plans, you can help them build the skills they need for future roles, keeping them excited about their work and committed to the organization.

5. Emphasize Purpose and Growth

For many employees, knowing that their work matters is key to long-term productivity. 70% of employees tie their sense of purpose to their work, and productivity is higher for those who can live their purpose. Whether they want to move up the ladder or stay in their current role, everyone wants to feel a sense of purpose. Engaging in meaningful conversations about their career path, offering opportunities for skill development, and making them feel valued are crucial in maintaining high performance.


It’s Time for a Forward-Looking Approach

It’s clear that the traditional approaches to Time to Productivity just don’t cut it anymore. Data-driven leadership, performance management, and insights are the keys to unlocking accelerated performance and growth—not just for your new hires, but for your entire organization. By rethinking your approach to Time to Productivity, you can create an environment where employees don’t just survive but thrive. And who doesn’t want a team full of rock stars who hit the ground running and never look back?

If you’re ready to transform your onboarding process and unlock the full potential of your workforce, take the first step today. The path to faster productivity starts with understanding your people, tailoring your processes, and investing in their growth. Let’s turn the lights on, avoid those metaphorical minefields, and pave the way for a more productive future.

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Gail Paul

Data-loving Vulcan who specializes in human capital strategies. When not exploring the data universe, she's a flute-playing nature enthusiast, relaxing in her Arizona yurt and living the Spockian life.