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Expanding Candidate Pipelines

By: Hero Frenzel

~ 2 minute read

Finding the right people for your organization can be tough in a competitive job market. It can be hard to find the right candidates who have the necessary skills and fit well with the company culture. But there’s a different way to hire using a tool called the Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment™, which uses data to uncover hidden talents in candidates.


Hero’s Journey: Unveiling Hidden Potential

Let me tell you about my experience with the assessment. Imagine me five years ago: young Hero is fresh out of college with limited work experience (a coffee shop and a hotel front desk). I was searching for my first “big” job opportunity. Uncertain about my career path, I applied for a position at MindWire, where applicants take a behavioral and cognitive assessment even before the interview stage.

Five years ago, I had just finished college and had little work experience. I applied for a job at MindWire, where they used assessments early on. They saw potential in me and invited me for an interview based on the assessment results.

I found the assessment interesting and completed it quickly. I was surprised that this company valued personal strengths right from the start. Despite my limited resume, they saw potential in me and invited me for an interview. During the interview, they talked about my strengths, which matched what the assessment said about me. It described me as a team player, good at helping clients and staying organized. I wasn’t sure about my career, but the assessment showed me where I could excel.

At first, I couldn’t understand why they were looking at a barista for a high-profile client and support role. But they saw something in me that I hadn’t discovered myself. This experience taught me the importance of looking beyond a candidate’s resume and considering their untapped potential.


The Power of Assessment Data: Making Confident Hiring Decisions

Imagine using this approach to find talent. By using tools like the Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment, you can uncover candidates’ work style, their strengths, and how they learn. This information helps you determine if they are a good fit for the role.

Data-driven decision-making lets you find great candidates that traditional methods might miss. You can find hidden talents and skills in people from different backgrounds. This leads to more diversity and better problem-solving. It also provides valuable insights for employee development and engagement.

Understanding people’s strengths and motivators helps you put them in roles that align with their passions and drive. This makes them more engaged, more productive, and more likely to stay.


In Summary

Using tools like the Predictive Index® Behavioral Assessment can change your hiring process and find amazing candidates. Using assessment data helps you find hidden potential. 

Are you ready to redefine your hiring process and find exceptional candidates? Contact us to learn how data can guide your decisions and unlock the untapped potential in your talent pool.

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Begin your journey with MindWire by your side. Contact us today and let’s discuss how to elevate your business together.

Hero Frenzel

Glue of MindWire with a flair for education, media creation, and team building. Baker, actress, family woman, and aspiring beach dweller fueled by coffee, tea, and joy.